Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Can You Not Love Him?!?

We love our Buddy Bentley!

Grey Hat

Thank You Wargats Family!

Daddy's Shoes

Unfortunately in January...yes...I know...I am so
far January the entire family
caught the stomach bug. Sadie first, then daddy and
just when mom thought she was in the clear....I got it too!
Sadie managed to still put a smile on our face!
I found her walking around in her daddy's shoes
which just made me giggle as she happily
clomped around the house!

We just love our little stinker!

First Snowfall of 2011

I am a little behind in my blog posts...but catching up.
Sadie so enjoys the snow that we get here in Charlotte!

Daddy enjoys it a little too much as well!

Sadie and 'Hector' the snowman!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Discovery Place To The Rescue!

On a cold rainy day...Discovery Place to the rescue!

Sadie loved playing with the water table...but...

Mommy did not realize that we needed
to bring a change of clothes!
The apron does not exactly cut it!

We actually entered the Discovery Place
dressed as Snow White! Some battles are just not
worth fighting and I know that other parents
are with me on that one based on the
looks and giggles that we received!

Sadie has no fear and was excited to touch the sea creatures.

Her best buddy Katie went with us as well!

Bye Bye Paci Bye Bye

Sadie gave up her paci cold turkey on her own
a few months back...but..

Mommy will secretly miss it forever...she was a paci girl too!

X-mas 2010

Ho, Ho, Ho...a little late...but...

Sadie keeps asking us....
When is Santa coming to town again?

We hope that you and yours...

had a very merry one!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oh Elmo!